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Newcastle Keep/Black Gate

  The "Sanctuary" exhibition, after a few years in production, has finally got a date at Newcastle Keep, Tyneside. I have been working on it since 20017, and almost all of the work is already done, with the exception of a few finishing touches. I will keep posting updates on a newly-created page which I will be working on soon, and this will feature most work I have already done, plus the works-in-progress images from when I first began working on the exhibition. This is my biggest exhibition since the Great North Museum Hancock in 2005, with many artistic disciplines such as art, design, textiles, and sculpture. I hope to have the new page up and running within the next couple of weeks.

  In addition to my own work, there will be scale armour and leatherwork by Jez Hunt, Senior Maker and leatherworker for TV and film (Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands, Tolkien, Cursed, Willow, The Winter King and The Red King), so it this exhibition has really been a joint-effort. I'm really excited to be showing these things to the public. The exhibition is set for June 2025.

(Updated 7th July 2024)

Book Revisions and the Discontinuation of Some Titles

 I have decided to retire The Old Grimalkin Book of Hours, World of the Fire Cat Colouring Book, Abrach Moonpaw's Strange and Unusual Creatures and the Grimalkin Almanac in Four Parts. This is because I wish to revise these books in the future and give them the attention they deserve. I want to consolidate all of the seasonal almanacs into one large annual Almanac with more information and illustrations. The same goes with the Book of Hours. I do not want to publish for publishing sake and would rather retire a book and revise it than to keep it in circulation and be unsatisfied with it. I feel as though I have much more to add to these books now and will do so now the Sanctuary exhibition is 99% complete. I would still like to produce work I am satisfied with so revising and consolidating present work is the best way forward. I still have the fourth instalment of the Fire Cat stories to complete, and an Encyclopaedia, which I enjoy working on, and I don't want my writing to become a chore or something I feel I have to do. I want to feel the joy of writing again, something I haven't felt in a long time. I hope you all understand my reasons for withdrawing some publications and the need to rework them.



(Updated 7th July 2024)

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Title Graphics JPEG.jpg

Dance of the Fire Cat - A Tale of Grimalhame

Book One of the Fire Cat Stories


Currently Under Revision

Currently Under Revision

Page of the Deputy Clowder Mother and Chief Historian of Grimalhame - Imeldra Moonpaw

Website Currently Under Complete Reconstruction. Please Be Patient. 

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